What Went on during # MFW15 ?

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

If many of you do not really know what went on during the past week, Malta, once again had another Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Production Team made one hell of a job and they do deserve a well done.

Before I continue with the MFW series which only include 2 - 3 Parts , I would like to say that as a blogger , I am not here to offend anyone at all, but I am only here to speak my opinion and say my own personal perspective. For the first part of the MFW15 Series I would just like to show you finders a few of my favourite and personal highlights of what went during the most exciting week.

Rewinding to Mercedes Benz Malta Fashion Week 2015 -
9th May - 16th May 

 Photography taken By Ian Attard ( Link Here

Do not forget to stay posted for the next Post Regarding # MFW15 Part 2

Stay Fashionable