One Year Baby !

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Fashion Finders ! 

It has been a YEAR, ALREADY ! That is completely insane and I am truly thankful for it.  My life has changed completely as I have matured through the experiences I am going through. I might not be successful as other people within the same field are, but I am truly happy to be part of this fashion journey.  After all, doesn't everyone start the same way? 

Being part of this journey, definitely has its ups and downs for sure and not everyday shines bright like the sun but it is not the end of the world. I know I have not been consistent with my work but lately I found out that I actually have a social life and I love taking cat naps every once in a while. GO FIGURE. 

So basically I would like to say thank you to all those who supported me through out those hard times and for that I am truly appreciative of. Haters keep on hating, don't think I'll be going anywhere right now. Things are definitely changing for the best and I could not be more excited to what the future holds for this blog and .... anything else. Do not forget to stay tuned for next weeks post, something truly exciting is coming up ! Now for further due, please do check out the cool, fancy pancake photo-shoot I made for the 1st year anniversary !

Nike Air

Monday, 8 June 2015

We have all those days were all you feel like wearing is nothing but a pair of jeans and some comfortable pair of shoes. Everyone has those days , NO SHAMING !

Nikes : Asos 
Jeans: New Look 
Flannel: Thrift buy 
Bag: L@ndon
Crop Top : Asos 

What Went on during # MFW15 ?

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

If many of you do not really know what went on during the past week, Malta, once again had another Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Production Team made one hell of a job and they do deserve a well done.

Before I continue with the MFW series which only include 2 - 3 Parts , I would like to say that as a blogger , I am not here to offend anyone at all, but I am only here to speak my opinion and say my own personal perspective. For the first part of the MFW15 Series I would just like to show you finders a few of my favourite and personal highlights of what went during the most exciting week.

Rewinding to Mercedes Benz Malta Fashion Week 2015 -
9th May - 16th May 

 Photography taken By Ian Attard ( Link Here

Do not forget to stay posted for the next Post Regarding # MFW15 Part 2

Stay Fashionable

What Men really do to Women !

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

I really want to know what your opinion is on women wearing mens' clothing! The thing is, every time I mention something about this to the general public, people's expressions are more or less the same, and they are usually nothing good, but trust me facial expressions are priceless. The fun thing about fashion is that you get to express and have fun with it as much as you would love too. The different brands, textures and captivating colours of clothing the fashion world has to offer is even more entertaining than anyone can imagine. The choices are big and that is what I love about this industry. 

There are many reasons why women ( at least me ) opt to look for mens clothing. Reasons being, they are wayyy to comfortable and they do actually fit like a dress at times, but one of the most important reasons is that they are super fun to experiment with, especially when it comes to choosing the daily essential wear. Which, there's no shaming in that.  

In the outfit above, would anyone guess that that jumper is actually chosen from a Mens' section found at a thrift store? Well it is, ( if you haven't guessed already. What makes it more ideal to wear is the fact that its cashmere, so it makes it even more comfortable , plus it has a vibrant colour so it shouts out as a statement. Above all, it keeps you warm, so we're all good! No objections to that. 

Jumper: Thrift Store
Peg Leg Trouser: Mango
Shoes: Stradivarius
Clutch Bag: New Look 

I decided to pair of this outfit with some Peg leg trousers and some vintage inspired shoes. Meanwhile, I would really love to hear your feedback on what you think about Women, wearing Mens' clothing. Love or hate?

Last but not least, I would like to sincerely thank Andrew Borg Carbott for his photographic techniques and kind dedication. Kindly find the link to his facebook page. .  

Fashion Finder 